A blue sky , green fields , and the cold breeze with wet soil smell – all these are the best memories from my childhood which I can hardly find in the present day urban cities or even the rural towns.This simple but heart filling pleasant beauty is enough to cool my stress , pressures and tensions. But disappearance of this beautiful mind easing scenery is development’s worst effect.Nothing is like before , my friends and I use to play  joyfully under evenings sun in the city of hyderabad when I was 7 years old but now the thought of going out at anytime reminds of the pollution I have to face.

Over the past two decades everything has changed.Our life style has changed , atmosphere changed , you and I have changed and the greenculture (agriculture)has  also changed.This drastic change in all the spheres and sectors led to the formation of one deadly change which scares everyone of humankind and that is ‘CLIMATE CHANGE’.

When Climate change is considered as the worse effect of human’s experiments , Environmental and ecological change (degradation) can be considered as the worst effect of climate change.This alarming threat of climate change not only requires pollution reduction and conservation of green life on earth but also requires for the invention and implementation of more sustainable and eco-friendly technologies and lifestyle respectively.And this ‘repair, restore and resist’ process should start from the basement level i.e, Agriculture.

Finally its time for us to revoke our traditional agricultural methods and improvise these methods further in an eco-friendly manner to increase the fertility of the soil and prevent the crop from pest attacks. Agriculture is the mother of all cultures that are discovered and invented by the humans as it is the primary raw material for any other sector to develop and because it is the life retaining source for the nature’s great and complex creation i.e, the Humans.

The following are some of the eco-friendly  methods which will help us to save agriculture from climate change and pollution. They are:

1.Climate-smart agriculture (CSA)

Climate-smart agriculture is an approach that helps to guide actions needed to transform and reorient agricultural systems to effectively support development and ensure food security in a changing climate. CSA aims to tackle three main objectives: sustainably increasing agricultural productivity and incomes; adapting and building resilience to climate change; and reducing and/or removing greenhouse gas emissions, where possible.

2. Permaculture
Permaculture is a food production system which mimics how vegetables and plants grow in natural ecosystems. It applies natural principles which combine intention, smart farming and design to reduce waste of resources and increase production efficiency. The design techniques in permaculture include growing grains and vegetables without tillage, each plant undertaking various purposes, herb and plant spirals, hügelkultur beds and developing swales to hold water.

3. Aquaponics & Hydroponics
Aquaponics and hydroponics are innovative farming methods which involve soilless plant and vegetable growth, feeding the plants with nutrients which are carried by the water. Hydroponics systems involve using mineral solutions to feed the plants’ roots directly in a passive medium such as perlite or gravel. However, aquaponics farming systems combine aquaculture and hydroponics elements. Water which contains nutrients resulted from the mineralization of fish waste feeds the roots of plants and vegetables which can grow in various mediums. The water is purified by the plants and returns to the hydroponics section of the system.

4. Using Renewable Energy Resources
Sustainable farming involves the use of alternative energy sources such as hydropower, solar power or wind farms which are eco-friendly. Solar panels can be used to run pumping and heating systems. Also, hydroelectric power sourced from river water can be used for various farming machinery.

Farmers can compare energy consumption rates by using an online energy compare site to identify the best suitable power sources.

5. Crop Rotation & Polycultures
Farmers can decrease the chances of plant and vegetable diseases through crop diversification on a surface of land and through crop rotation techniques. The practices can also reduce the amount of pesticides and chemical fertilizers required.

6. Trees Can Increase Crop Yields
Agroforestry is a farming method which involves growing shrubs and trees among other plants and vegetables. It combines forestry and agricultural practices to guarantee a sustainable and highly productive approach to land use. The system mimics forest ecosystems found in nature and it’s designed to comprise multiple layers of food forests. It includes perennial plants such as fruit trees, perennial herbs, mushrooms, and other vegetables on the ground level and underground root vegetables. Compared to traditional farming systems, agroforestry can double crop yields and significantly decreases the need for chemical fertilizers or pesticides.

The immediate implementation and encouragement  of eco-friendly Green Culture is the need of the hour because the beautiful nature which we capture in our mobiles and cameras may forever be gone and the photographs we click may forever remain like a long seem memories.