In India , we see many social discriminations among the people depending on the caste , creed , religion , occupation and gender. One of the serious but ignored discrimination is Occupational Bias.We can observe that most of the times domestic workers are ill-treated and will be given no respect even by the children at their work place . There are no laws to maintain a healthy and dignified work environment for these poor domestic workers . In addition we see people of many other occupations who are basically ill-treated or prone to ill-treatment namely manual scavengers , shop floor level employees ( small blacksmiths, small plumbers , municipality workers , small waste material venders etc..) and even agricultural labourers , daily garbage collectors and road sweepers etc…

When we look at the reason for especially kids treating these people disrespectfully , one of the main causes is embracement of only a few professions like teachers, doctors , engineers , police officers , government officials , secretaries etc… and atterley giving less status to the aforesaid occupations which is leading to lack of professional dignity and lack of appreciation of different works by children right from their childhood through parents, family and schools.

This lowly status to aforesaid occupations is evident from most of the parents and children aspiring to take or work for the professions like doctors and engineers , on the other hand discouraging themselves from working as agriculturist or agricultural scientists at times.However , I don’t say that  skilled and educated students should take unskilled works but giving professional dignity and showing work appreciation is necessary.

Another main reason for in appreciation of the aforesaid professions is lack of historical greatness given to shop floor artisans. In general, history is always filled with the greatness , hard work , contributions and achievements of Kings , his officials and educates. But we can hardly see any reference or history discussing about the contributions of commoners and aforesaid workers in building economy and society of the country despite being  large in numbers and the ones who worked their blood to sweat in making weapons(blacksmiths) , taking care of official’s children(home maids)  , sacrificing their lives to protect their masters or employers during wars , construction of great monuments and sculptures etc…

Thus , to increase the skill of work appreciation and respecting all the people irrespective of their occupations , teaching greatness and historical value of aforesaid people right from childhood in schools and by parents is necessary because poverty of these workers is not just because of less wages but also because of social disrespect and lack of dignified life which can lead to further decrease in their wages.