With frequent threats from Pakistan in the form of ceasefire violations, state funded terrorism and constant loggerheads with China in the Aksai Chin region, India is necessitated to enhance it’s operational efficiency and improve it’s military strategy time to  time, to tackle the unforeseen attacks and protect it’s territorial sovereignty.

As part of India’s preparedness in taking up defensive and offensive operations in the borders, the Indian army has been coming up with new arms, ammunitions and forces, time to time. Recently, Indian army has announced the Integrated Battle Groups(IBG) would be operationalised very soon as part of the overall transformation of the forces.

To go little deep about the IBG’s, let’s first have a glance through the past, to know the reason that necessitated the idea of IBG’s in the army.


After the 2001 parliament attacks, Indian army has formulated the ‘Cold Start Doctrine’ to swiftly mobilise the troops to the border areas and carry out the deep thrusts into the enemy’s territory if required. The doctrine also aimed at countering the state funded terrorism of Pakistan.

As part of their doctrine, Indian army started the OPERATION PARAKRAM to mobilise the troops to the  border in 12 – 48 hours and inflict heavy damage to the enemy. But it did not go as planned and took almost 6 months. The difference between the time planned for the Operation and the time actually taken, highlighted the flaws in the operational efficiency, shortage of resources and lack of proper planning from the Indian side.

Considering these mishaps and inefficiencies in the Operation Parakram, Indian army has come up with the idea of IBG’s to finetune the Cold Start Doctrine.


IBG’s are the self – contained, agile and brigade – sized fighting units that can swiftly mobilise and launch strikes. They can carry both offensive operations, involving cross borders and defensive operations, to withstand the enemy attacks.

1. The key corps of the army are likely to reorganize  into 1 – 3 IBG’s.

2.Each IBG is headed by a Major General.

3.The IBG’s are made small to get mobilised within 12 – 48 hours based on the location.

4.The allocation of the resources for the IBG’s would  depend on 3 T’s namely Threat, Terrain and Task.


1. IBG’s aim at the holistic integration of the forces.

2.Enhance the operational efficiency.

3. Optimize the budget expenditure.

4.Facilitate the force modernisation and address the aspirations.