The scheme AMMA VODI started by Andhra Pradesh government to give financial assistance to the mothers who sends their ward to schools  is an apt example to show profit motives of educational institutions that made quality education a dream for the poor.

Today in the beginning of every  academic year we see several debates over the fee hikes in the private educational institutions. The corporate sector has emerged as a major gaint in the education system. It is able to reach evry nook and corner of the country. These days these institutions come up with various programmes such as swimming,dancing,karate,etc to attract parents to join their children.  Education as a system of sharing knowledge is rarely visible in the society. They collect fees on an average of 15K-50K every year. Though these institutions take out the blood of parents in the form of money, many are willing to join their wards in private institutions rather than public which offers free and good education to children.


The political power is a major factor for the spread of this corporate sector in education. Many schools and colleges are being run under their control. The poor regulating standards are giving a way to such hikes . The parents perception of increased social STATUS ,poor standards,lack of infrastructure such as transportation, sanitation facilities, accessibility, student-teacher ratio, greater facilities in private institutions,greater accessibility through transportation,security,etc are giving a path to these institutions to increase their shadow to a larger area and lure parents for profits through grades, infrastructure and so on .

In the past students show gratitude towards their teachers  by giving them Gurudakshina. But today it was was made mandatory to give fees and additional donations were collected in order to provide admission. Today any educational institution look for profits rather than progress of a child which has to be changed.

            Many governments are coming up with schemes to attract parents to join their wards in public schools through several incentives such as MID DAY MEALS ,AMMA VADI,SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM, INTEGRATED CHILD DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM etc either in the form of cash or kind. Any sector where private entity is allowed to participate has to be regulated as there is  a chance of monopolization, collective interests etc. Hence regulations must be framed and has to be implemented strictly at all levels to reinstate education as a weapon to change the lives and to make it accessible and affordable to every section in the society.