The coronavirus pandemic has shook the global public health and economy.With the increasing number of cases many research institutions globally are putting their maximum efforts to develop a vaccine for coronavirus.While Oxford had developed a medically efficient medicine to treat the affected patients ,Russia claims to found the world’s first COVID-19 vaccine and Russia’s president declares their vaccine to be efficient and says his own daughter got vaccinated.

On this case , COVAXIN , India’s indigenous COVID-19 vaccine by Bharat Biotech is developed in collaboration with the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) – National Institute of Virology (NIV). The indigenous, inactivated vaccine is developed and manufactured in Bharat Biotech’s BSL-3 (Bio-Safety Level 3) high containment facility.The vaccine received DCGI approval for Phase I & II Human Clinical Trials and the trials will commence across India from July, 2020.

With the world countries trying to show ‘vaccine nationalism’ i.e, when a country manages to secure doses of vaccine for its own citizens first before there are made available in other countries,there is need for india to come up with an innovative strategy for vaccine procurement.Recognizing this type of nationalism shown by many countries previously like by US bought the right to buy 600000 doses of vaccine during 2009 H1N1 flu pandemic , WHO officials warns against ‘vaccine nationalism’ and says “Global public health is borderless.”To tackle this problem international institutions should try and work to ensure Equitable distribution.


In this alarming situation ,India has to start putting in place an innovative strategy for vaccine procurement, delivery, and administration by considering logical and ethical dimensions to ensure medical and economic well-being of India.

The government has to form a strategy that mainly focuses on the vulnerable population and should enforce strict policies to ensure equitable and affordable distribution of the vaccine and medicines.The following is the list of vulnerable and immediate targets that the government should focus on , they are :

1.Frontline workers: the frontline workers are those who are working in the close contact with the COVID patients and public like Doctors,Police officers,Sanitation workers etc…Ensuring their safety is very necessary so as to maintain undisturbed treatment, prevention and protection from coronavirus.

2.Old age population : due to weak immunity system caused from aging this section of the population is most vulnerable to coronavirus.

3.Children: to ensure their protection against virus and enable them to progress with their studies i.e, to ensure safe reopening of educational institutions.

4.Remaining population : at this level the first target should be pregnant and lifestyle disease bearing people(BP and heart patients, thyroid patients , sugar and kidney malfunction patients etc…)

Following this logical and ethical pattern of vaccination will not only help in speedy recovery of the people but will also contribute to an early full-fledged restoration of nation’s economic activities.The government has to focus mainly on availability,affordability and efficiency of both vaccine and under treatment medical supplies.